moving your family to another country

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There are very few times in life that are as exciting as moving abroad. However, there aren’t many times when you will need to really put in a lot of groundwork like this either. Moving your family to another country can happen pretty quickly once the wheels are in motion though.

The exciting life of an expat is something that many people covet. It isn’t hard to see why either, being fully immersed in a new culture, trying to learn a new language, and widening that social circle – all fun stuff. 

But before the fun comes some essential planning. 

1. Visa

Many countries are going to require you to have a Visa in order to stay. However, getting a long-term Visa is to your benefit here. Much of what you are able to apply for in terms of a Visa will be about the amount you have managed to save, if you have work available when you arrive and where you are moving from. 

You need to make sure that you have all of the right paperwork ready, and it is the ideal time to seek out an experienced and reliable migration agent.

If you are going as a family, you’ll need to make an application for each person. 

It is also a good idea to renew your passport, so you have the longest available time on it. 

2. Mail

Ask a friend or a family member if you can have your mail delivered to their house. This will stop any stray bank statements, credit cards, or other important mail going to the wrong house. Do this nice and early, so you don’t miss anything important during the changeover. 

3. Insurances

You are going to need to have your current insurances cancelled and your new ones started within the same few days. Also, ensure that you have travel insurance for the days that you are travelling between one country and another. If anything does happen outside of those dates, you might end up sinking a lot of money into covering any costs. 

If you aren’t taking your car, then remember to cancel that too!

4. Banking

Before you start closing all of your homeland accounts, consider your credit score. If you want to move back at a certain point, then close them slowly over time. It is a good idea to keep your bank open for a while. At the same time, opening an online-only bank account will enable you to manage your money as you get settled. 

Eventually, when your paperwork is in order, you will probably want a local bank account. Make sure that your usual account is set to paperless before you go. 

And finally, the moment you decide that you are moving your family to another country, start saving as much and as often as you can. This will make sure that you can afford things like rent, groceries, and some travel money for exploring your new country in your own time. 

“And suddenly you just know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.”

— Meister Ekhart


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