make money by decluttering your wardrobe

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Are you starting to feel like your wardrobe is out of control? Maybe you can’t find any of your clothes, or you’re finding it tough to decide what to wear. You’re not alone – a lot of people face a cluttered wardrobe every day.

But do you know how much your unwanted clutter could be worth? Your wardrobe could be a simple way to make some extra cash, giving your finances a little boost or helping you put it towards something special.

So how do you do it? Here are some top tips for making money by decluttering your wardrobe.

Get Selling

Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes you no longer wear or don’t fit any more? Your unwanted garments may be useless to you, but they could be just what someone else is looking for. Fortunately, there are some amazing places to sell clothes. Learning how to sell on Vinted can help you make good money by selling the things you no longer want, and as you won’t have to pay postage, you won’t be left out of pocket either. It’s also a great place to buy clothing! So if you’re looking to save money on baby clothes or buy yourself a new outfit, you’ll find plenty there.

In addition to Vinted, there are also some other avenues where you can sell clothes. eBay is a classic choice, but you will have some fees and shipping charges to pay. Depop works similarly to Vinted, while Thrift+ will sell your clothes for you via their platform, for a commission. 

Exchange Your Unwanted Clothes for Vouchers

Not all clothes are suitable for selling or donating to charity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money from them. Schemes like H&M’s Garment Collecting programme help people recycle their unwanted clothes, and they offer money-off vouchers in exchange. Other places to offer similar schemes include TK Maxx and Marks and Spencers. Zara also has a similar scheme, but doesn’t offer vouchers at this time.

Try Some Clothes Swapping

While this idea won’t make you any money, it could help you save some money on new clothes. Clothes-swapping events are a fantastic way to refresh your wardrobe, exchanging the things you no longer like or wear for something new and fresh. You could search for local events near you, or consider hosting an event with your friends. You’ll be surprised at the new treasures you could find! Clothes swapping can help stop your clothes from ending up in a landfill, but it can also be a great way to keep your own clothing costs down.

Making money from your wardrobe could be easier than you think. While it can take some time and a little effort, the results will be with it to leave your wardrobe looking fresh. So what can you do with the extra money you’ve made? Perhaps you want to treat yourself to some new bedroom furniture to better organize your clothes, or put it aside for a rainy day – whichever option you choose, it’s a great feeling knowing you’ve made some money from your unwanted clothes. What hidden treasures are lurking in your wardrobe? Dig them out and start making some money!


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