making yoru home easier to keep tidy

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Maintaining your home might be a chore, but it doesn’t have to take up all of your time. Making and sticking to excellent routines is more important than allocating a specific amount of time each week to housekeeping. The more you do it, the more these ideas and habits will stick. With that in mind, here are a few ideas about how to make your home easier to tidy. 

Don’t Let Laundry Pile Up

Avoid having dirty clothes sit around for too long, as this will only lead to a messy house, stress, and nothing to wear. If your washing machine has a timer, load it up and schedule the cycle to finish when you’ll be returning to hang the clothes or unload the dryer.

An alternate option is to load up the washing machine before leaving for work so that all you have to do when you come home is switch it on.

Empty The Dishwasher Every Morning

If you don’t empty the dishwasher every morning, what happens to the dishes and mugs you use during the day? Even if you’re out at work, you’ll still have dinner and a drink when you get back, and if the dishwasher is still full, it can feel like a chore to empty it, which means things get left on the side or by the sink.

If you spend five minutes emptying your dishwasher in the morning and make it a habit while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or the coffee to brew, your kitchen will stay tidier and cleaner.

Create A House Cleaning Schedule 

If you create a house cleaning schedule that perhaps means you clean one room a day or every other day, on a cycle, your home won’t ever get much of a chance to become messy and dirty – it will always be just a few days until a particular spot is cleaned again.

Of course, you’ll still need to do spot cleans (if you spill something, clean it right away rather than leaving it until you happen to be cleaning that room, for example). Not only will a schedule mean everything gets clean, but it also means everything takes less time.

Leaving the house to get messy and then trying to clean everything in one day or weekend will cause frustration and take a lot longer. 

Buy Less Stuff

Buying fewer things is beneficial for both your wallet and your living space. If you limit your purchases, you’ll learn to appreciate what you do need rather than just what you want. Before making a purchase, carefully consider how often you will use the item and where you will keep it. When you have less stuff in your home, it will take less time to clean. 

Related: 20 Ways to Stop Shopping and Save Your Money

Don’t Forget The Garden 

You want the inside of your home to be clean and tidy and for the job to be an easier one, but don’t forget about the garden as well. Keeping that tidy will make it a much more enjoyable space when you use it, so think about installing composite decking, artificial grass, and a patio to keep things as tidy as possible. 


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