how to use your talent and skills to make money

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If you’re an experienced freelancer or business owner, who has already established a fruitful career making money in your chosen field, then you might be looking at how to use your talent and skills to make money by diversifying your income.

You may be thinking about additional revenue you can make in your current role.  Or, you may be thinking of a new career to switch to. However, one of the best pieces of advice in business is to make the best use of the resources at your disposal. Your experience is one of those resources. Here, we’re going to look at a few different ways you can make some money with it.

1. Start a Blog About It

There are a lot of ways to make money writing, including becoming a freelance writer. However, if you have plenty of expertise to share and insights to provide, then you may be able to start a blog designed to help new freelancers and business owners.

Related: How to Start a Blog with Bluehost 

You can address the kinds of challenges they might face and provide tips on how to keep growing.  Another way to help might be through addressing changes in the industry. You could talk about how you think people currently in it should adapt to them. You can make some money from advertisements and more. However, the real bulk of money earned from a blog is what you can use it to sell.

2. Selling eBooks

If you really have the kind of experience and insight worth selling, then it’s likely that you can go into a lot more detail than any individual blog post might allow for. If that’s the case, then you can take all the space you need in an eBook. You can sell the eBook from your blog.  There’s also the option of having it self-published in online book stores such as Amazon.

An eBook works well with a blog. The information, advice, and help you offer through the blog can be used to demonstrate your experience and expertise.  This acts as a successful marketing tool for the eBook. Just make sure you don’t give too much of the good info away for free. 

3. Find Speaking Gigs

Another good way to sell your expertise is to find speaking opportunities.  You’ll need to find opportunities that allow you to address a crowd that’s likely to be invested in what you have to say. There’s no specific set path that can lead you to become a keynote speaker. It’s the kind of career you can’t logically have unless you have the experience, following, and reputation that gets you invited to keynote speaking opportunities.

However, if you do have all of the above, then it’s all about getting in touch with the right organisations and networking bodies. Spend your time convincing others you have the presence and the valuable content to deliver and the invites will start coming your way

4. Become a Business Coach

If you have experience in running any aspect of a business successfully, then that could be a skill that you’re able to teach to other managers, leaders, and business owners, as well. By becoming a business analyst, you can begin a career that involves bringing a fresh pair of eyes to either a specific department in a business or the business as a whole.

You may be asked to help find solutions to specific problems or simply to offer your advice on how to improve efficiency and build towards new growth in the business. Either way, it’s a good role for those who are detail-minded and able to pick out and assess problems to find creative solutions.

5. Create Your Own Online Course

If you have enough specific insight and knowledge to create an eBook or run a blog, then it could be that you also have the ability to formalise it into the format of an online course. There are plenty of sites that allow you to build and run your own courses online.

Your blog and networking connections can then help you market your course to people who are looking to build specific skills. You can also build your own website that hosts your own course, which can see you retain more of the money that you make from each student. However, it also means that you have to put a lot more work into managing the course itself as well as the enrolled students.

6. Become a Paid Mentor

Mentors play a very important role in the development and growth of young entrepreneurs who form the future landscape of business as a whole. However, mentoring doesn’t always have to be completely pro-bono work. You may, for instance, offer to mentor those who allow you to invest some cash into their business. This will then put you in good standing to earn from any of the growth that the business does see. Otherwise, you can also start a one-on-one coaching business that sees you acting as mentors to entrepreneurs who are serious about getting the help they need to become better at running a business.

You can also run group coaching sessions, which tend to be more affordable for those who need coaching.

7. Get Investing

If you think you really know how the market moves and which businesses are poised to make the most money, then you can diversify your income even further. Rather than just working for your money, you could make your money start working for you, as well. Investing is all about being able to pick out which investments are likely to gain value.

It’s important to always invest in what you know. As such, you may want to stick to companies that are close to the industry that you used to work in. However, as time goes on, you can become proficient enough in investing that you can recognize the trends that lead to good investments across multiple markets.

Don’t underestimate just how many budding freelancers and entrepreneurs are out there looking for expertise, and investment. Many need a guiding hand that can help their business reach the same heights as you have. Put your expertise to work and get paid for it while you do.


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