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learn new skills from home


There is no time like the present when it comes to focusing on your professional development. Whether you are out of work because of Covid-19 or you are working from home, there is never a wrong time to focus on your development. 

Let’s have a look at four steps that will help you identify which skills you can work on and how to start learning from home: 

Identify Any Gaps In Your Skills 

Skill gaps are the area where you could be better or haven’t quite got around to learning yet. The best way to close these gaps is to identify which of them are priorities and start working towards improving these areas. The best way to start closing the gaps is to identify your priority areas and start working toward improvement. You need to look at your strong skills, need improvement skills, and need to learn skills. Focus on strengthening one or two gaps at a time. If you are going for interviews they will be happy to hear about any plans for using a free online learning website or other plans for improvement. 

Reach Out To Your Network

Your peers and colleagues will be your most accurate resource when it comes to identifying which skills you should prioritize. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask which skills they feel would be advantageous or ask if they have used any good materials lately. Whether it’s a call or a meet-up, prepare a list of questions you can ask in advance. It could be good to ask your manager or supervisor which skills they would find most valuable, or check in with your peers about any recent learning they have completed that has helped their career. 

Take An Online Class

Once you have identifies which skills you want to focus on you can start to look for learning material. If you have the time, an online course is a great way to educate yourself at home. You can even study for a degree at home or on the go now. From web development through to science, it is possible to study at home. Bear in mind that with some skills you may need to commit to some practical experience too, for example, if you are studying to become a gas engineer or teacher, there will be a practical element to your studies too. Once you have completed your course, make sure you update your resume and LinkedIn

Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to strengthen your skills is to get practice. Whether you can use it in your current job or start your own project, make sure you get some practice once you have learned any new skills. Whether it’s on a self-employed basis or you practice your skills on an unpaid project it’s best for your to strengthen your skills and become a master. 

These four steps should help you to learn new skills from home. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below. 


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