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There are many reasons why you might move overseas with your family, such as wanting to be closer to family or to open your kids up to a new culture. The prospect of moving abroad with kids can be exciting but also stressful. To help make transition easier, consider the points below.

Get Health-Related Details

The healthcare system at your destination may not be the same as the one you have now. To make sure that you understand it fully and have the health coverage needed for everyone in your family, research before you leave.

Look in advance for a doctor who speaks English as they can be difficult to find, depending on where you are going to live. In many cases, you can book a virtual medical visit with the doctor to start to build a relationship. That way, you are prepared if your child gets sick soon after you relocate.

Find Accommodation

There are many benefits to buying a home rather than renting it when your family starts a new life. You will be putting down roots in the community, as well as investing in your future.

Start looking online for properties that have the number of bedrooms needed and other requirements now. Get an idea of what the real estate market is like in Thailand or another place you are going overseas. Find a house where your family can start to make happy memories.

Introduce the Culture

Take the time to learn some of the cultural traditions in the country where you will move to and teach them to your children. There are many useful reasons to do so.

Firstly, encouraging your kids to become familiar with a new way of life will help prevent them from experiencing culture shock. Secondly, they will be less likely to do a social faux pas or get frustrated with the new lifestyle when you move if they have a bit of background before the move even happens.

Involve the Kids

Show your children photos of the destination to help them see what to expect in their new neighborhood. Talk to them about how they are feeling and whether there are any worries on their mind.

It will help them to talk about their fears, and you can have an honest discussion about the move. Stay positive in these conversations and point out the good things to look forward to in the new home.

Language Learning

When relocating overseas, your family might be in the minority speaking English. To effectively communicate when leaving the new house, you and your kids will likely have to learn a foreign language.

Otherwise, how will they understand their teacher or other students in school? How will you work if you do not know at least the basics of the native tongue? Starting you and your kids on the journey of learning a second language before the move can help make the transition easier for everyone.

While you might get a private tutor, another option is to use free language apps that are easy to use. You don’t have to master the language before you move, but just know a few of the basic phrases, at the minimum.

Education Opportunities

Research the school beforehand and show your children photos of it. If possible, arrange for all your kids to go to the same school so that they don’t feel alone.

For very young children, what is most important is the school spirit rather than the curriculum. Thus, try to encourage them to be social when you move.

Plan ‘Firsts’

An exciting part of moving to a new place is creating new memories. Plan “firsts” that you will do as a family when you move so that everyone has something fun to look forward to doing there.

Create a list of activities, such as attending a certain sports game or eating a specific type of cuisine. Keep adding to the list to keep everyone looking forward to moving day and the future ahead.

Final Words on Moving Abroad with Kids

When the move comes, be sure to maintain quality time with the kids on weekends and evenings when you’re not working. Try to keep doing some of the activities you had done as a family before the move to help keep a sense of normalcy.

Taking the time to plan before the move can help your kids (and you) adjust better to the new environment than you might otherwise. A great thing about moving as a family is that you have one another to lean on for support and are taking this adventure together. You will all likely become more comfortable with the destination, the longer that you are there.


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