kitchen appliances that breakdown


Sooner or later, every appliance in your kitchen is going to suffer some kind of damage. Whether it’s the oven door coming loose and dropping on your toes or the fridge leaking water, there always seems to be something wrong in our kitchens.

We need to be vigilant when it comes to repairing our kitchen appliances as well, seeing as how reliant we are on our kitchens.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the most common kitchen appliances that break down, but also what you can do to ensure your appliances last as long as possible.

1. Refridgerators

A broken fridge can lead to disaster as it might cause all of your food to spoil. Fridges tend to stop working after about a decade, but taking care of your kitchen fridge and monitoring it for issues can often lead to a longer lifespan.

2. Washing Machine

Washing machines often break down due to user error. For instance, overloading the drum or putting detergent into the wrong areas can easily lead to buildups and damage to the drum itself.

3. Dishwashers

Dishwashers have lots of moving parts and can often suffer serious damage over time, especially if they’re not maintained properly. People that don’t use their dishwashers often enough might find that their appliance is susceptible to dry rot.

4. Dryers

For some reason, dryers are also very common when it comes to breakdowns. Again this is often due to user error such as stuffing too many items into the dryer or forgetting to clean the lint screen which could even be a fire hazard in older dryers.

So, what can be done about this?

As you might have noticed, a lot of these kitchen appliances only break down due to user error. So the first tip we can give is to look after your appliances and learn how to use them correctly by consulting the user manual. Even if you think you know how to use a fridge, it’s vital that you read the manual and look out for any differences or changes that you should be aware of in your new fridge.

When it comes to using those appliances, make absolutely sure that you’re not overloading them or misusing them. This will greatly extend the lifespan of these machines so they’re less likely to break down after just a couple of years and require repairs.

In addition, we recommend that you don’t buy the cheapest option when you get a new appliance. If you have to replace one of your appliances, make sure it’s with a good-quality option so that you have peace of mind knowing it will last longer.

If you notice any issues with these appliances, we suggest speaking to a technician as soon as possible to resolve the problem before it gets worse. Leaving the appliance broken for too long will cause even more issues in the future and could completely break down if it continues running with a fault.

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