stop wasting money

3 Ways to Stop Wasting Money at Home

When we talk about wasting money, we’re usually referring to things like impulse purchases or expensive coffee, but what about the money that you waste at home? Most people don’t realize that they’re wasting a lot of money in their homes and it can easily ruin their budget. If you find that you are struggling to stick to your budget every month, it might be because you’re wasting money around the home in these common ways.

1. Wasting Food 

This is a big one and most of us are guilty of it, even if we don’t realise. The average UK household wastes £470 worth of food every single year. That’s a lot of money to be throwing straight in the bin, but the good news is, it’s easily fixed. The main reason that people waste food is that they simply buy too much and a lot of it goes bad before you can eat it and it ends up in the bin. Portion sizes are a problem as well because people cook more than they can eat and then throw the rest of it away. 

The best way around this is to plan out your meals each week. Then you can go to the supermarket and get exactly what you need and it will all get used up. This will save you a lot of money because you’re not buying things that will just end up in the bin anyway.

Planning your meals can also help you to control portion sizes if you stick closely to recipes. When you know exactly what food you’re going to use and when, you can also buy more reduced food without having to worry about it going bad, so you can save money there as well. 

2. Letting The Heat Out 

Energy bills are one of your biggest monthly expenses and so many people are wasting money there as well. If you’re letting the heat out, your house costs more money to keep warm, so you need to think about insulation. There are a few simple tricks that you can use to keep the heat in. First off, get some window shutters from a company like The Shutter Directory and fit them over the windows. This gives you an extra layer of insulation and stops draughts from getting in. You should also fit a draught excluder to the letterbox and get some to go underneath doors. These simple changes should save you a lot of money on heating bills. 

3. Wasting Water 

People are more cautious about energy use these days, but not so much when it comes to water use. We treat it like an endless resource that flows from the tap but the truth is, water usage is too high. It also costs you money, so you shouldn’t be so careless with it. Simple things like leaving the tap on while you brush your teeth add up over time. Taking more notice of your water use and training yourself out of these bad habits will make a big difference. 

Most people don’t even realize that they’re making these mistakes and the waste quickly adds up!

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