prepare for retirement


Are you worried about your retirement savings? Whether you’re 21 or 51, you need to start thinking about your financial future once you retire, as more than likely you will not be receiving any income through employment.

It may be the case that your current place of work offers a pension scheme, which takes a percentage of your wage and stores it into an inaccessible pension account. While this is helpful, it may not be enough to allow you to live comfortably during retirement, therefore, you should consider making additional plans which will allow you to retire the way you want.

There are numerous ways that you can plan for retirement, including the following three tips which will allow you to become financially stable well in advance of your post-employment days.

Start Up a Retirement Budget

If you have not yet figured out your retirement expenses, now is the time to do so, as the earlier you plan, the better your savings. To start planning, you should take time to sit down by yourself or with your partner and work out your current savings, and also consider the money in your pension account if you have one. This will help you understand whether you have a sufficient amount to live comfortably, and if not, establish what you need to do to improve your savings.

To assess your finances, you should compile up to 12 months’ worth of bank and credit card statements, along with your last two wage slips and any tax returns. You can then work out your outgoings and assess whether these payments will continue into your retirement, to establish whether you can afford them without your regular wages.

You should also figure out fixed expenses like food shopping, household bills, clothing and transportation, as these will be the main outgoings during your retirement, so you must be able to afford them. If not, you may have to live more frugally and lower your budget or consider other forms of income, which will prevent you from cutting down.

Your budget should also take into account, if you haven’t done it already, your insurance premiums. Preparing for retirement isn’t just about your day-to-day expenses but it’s about the investments that will help look after your loved ones should something happen to you. Life insurance, as provided by companies like, can give you that additional peace of mind. And when starting up a retirement budget you need to make sure you have enough money to pay for an insurance policy. Many people don’t view an insurance policy as essential when they are struggling with their finances but it’s time to change this mindset and make this part of the current outgoings.

Make Sensible Investments

Another great way to save for retirement is by boosting your income through sensible ventures like property investment. This can offer short-term financial benefits due to the potential for consistent rental income which can be put towards your savings.

However, it is also a great long-term solution which benefits you before, during and after retirement. You can choose to invest in residential or commercial properties, dependent on your preference, but residential may be easier to manage and there tends to be more demand for housing.

If you have no experience in property investment, you should seek advice from property experts like RW Invest, who have a variety of properties available in the north-west, where rental yields are at a high. They can advise you on the best places to invest by assessing where rental demand and return on investment is significantly high.

By investing your money into property, you can continue to receive a generous income that will allow you to enjoy your retirement.

Become Financially Educated

In order to prepare fully for retirement, you should look into financial planning to find out as much as possible. This will allow you to become financially literate, which is essential if you want to create a retirement plan that is sustainable and beneficial.

To ensure you’re getting the right information, you should start by reading accredited books on retirement and budgeting. You can find plenty on Amazon or at Waterstones, where you know you’re collecting the right financial knowledge. There are even great guides online, which will offer you expert advice on how to get started and some even show you a step by step process to help you retire comfortably.

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