Easy Low Risk Money Makers


Money is many things to many people. Some consider it a crass tool that facilitates the things in life that really matter like moments of togetherness with family. Others consider it a powerful intoxicant that occupies their every waking thought.

Some of us have a lot of it, others have a little, but no matter how much of it we have, it’s never quite enough. There’s always one important purchase, or one unexpected cost which makes balancing our finances just a little harder than we’d like.

While we all work hard and accept more opportunities to make money whenever they present themselves, as inflation rises, as our wages stagnate, finding a financial balance is an increasingly tricky prospect.

We’re always told about ways in which we can grow our money through investment, but the very mention of the word investment is enough to give many the hives. The world of investment is a hectic domain which recalls images of stock traders dressed in £5,000 suits yelling obscenities at one another. It’s a place where to be sure fortunes are made, but dreams are also dashed. For the risk averse, this is not a pool to wade in.

Fortunately, however, money can be made easily and at low-to-no risk in a number of ways

1.Take Surveys

You may or may not know this… But your opinion matters! Not only does it matter, it’s a valuable commodity which marketing departments of a range of businesses are willing to pay good money for. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys filling in surveys and questionnaires there are many genuine survey sites that will pay money for your time and opinion. Fill in a few every day and you may be pleasantly surprised by how much you’re able to make.

2.Try Low Risk CFD Trading

The world of the stock market may be confusing and alien to you, but if you’re prepared to put in the tiniest bit of homework, the right trading platforms can make playing the markets easier than ever and enable you to make decent money at a minimum of risk. A CFD or Contract For Difference is essentially a bet on whether a chosen commodity’s value will rise or fall. Simply choose a platform. You can begin with a demo account, choose an asset and start trading. It’s simply a case of whether you want to sell long (you believe the value will rise) or sell short (you believe it will fall). Thus you’re able to make money while managing your risk.

3. Use Money Making Apps

The beauty of living with smartphone apps is that there are a huge number of ways in which it can empower you. From lending you a voice on social media to using money making apps, there are a number of ways in which you can use your phone to assert yourself. Fortunately, there are many apps which will enable you to make money from doing the stuff you’d normally be doing with your free time anyway. From being a mystery shopper in your favourite shops to scanning your old receipts, or even working out.

There are many ways for the risk averse to make small amounts of money every day that soon add up over the space of weeks or months, and all at a minimum of risk.

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