Month: May 2023

4 Employee Management Tips for Small Businesses

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Research states that only 20% of employees worldwide are engaged with their work. And this is mostly caused by poor employee management. Your employees are central to your small business operations; managing them correctly can ensure business success. Admittedly, small businesses often operate with limited staff, making it even more important to maximise each worker’s potential. The following employee management tips will help you get the most out of your workers

1. Conduct Regular Employee Training

The business scene has become dynamic, with skill sets and tech solutions changing constantly. And as a business owner, you want to ensure your workers are not left behind. If you want your business to keep up with the rapid changes, ensure that you renew their knowledge and expand their skills often. And the only way you can do this is by investing in regular employee training, so keep this in mind. Consider creating a training program to update your team’s skills to fill any knowledge gap. And you should ensure that these abilities align with the changes in your industry.

2. Use Organisational Behaviour Management

This employee management style focuses mainly on the behaviour of the workforce. It assesses and changes the work environment to improve employee performance and workplace culture. Four main elements of organisational behaviour exist – people, structure, technology, and the external environment. By understanding how these elements interact, you can make the right improvements. The main goal is to develop a workforce to improve the company’s effectiveness. Most managers use this technique to reassert positive work behaviour against bad work ethics. It also stresses the importance of training programs while fostering open and honest communication among all team members.

3. Don’t Micromanage

You mustn’t always hover over your employees, as this may be counterproductive. You should allow your workers to take the initiative and develop their own solutions or ideas on how best to handle certain tasks. Of course, you’re supposed to provide general rules and guidelines to follow, but give them some leeway. Doing this will encourage innovation and creativity while improving employee engagement. It can also increase work productivity and boost business growth. Be sure to hold periodic meetings to discuss company objectives with your workers and allow them to share their opinions on how to help the company succeed. 

4. Blend Physical Labour with the Right Tech Solution

Complementing physical labour with tech solutions is crucial in employee management as it enhances efficiency, productivity, and accuracy. With the right technology, you can automate repetitive tasks and free up your employees’ time to focus on other value-added activities. Tech solutions will streamline work processes, minimise errors, and allow real-time data tracking and analysis. That will enable you and your workers to make informed, data-backed decisions. You can also leverage technology to create seamless communication, optimise your workforce, improve operational efficiency, and drive automation. For example, if you own a fleet of vehicles, you can use driver management software to keep a fleet driver up to speed. 


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Is Your Start-Up Seeking Funds?

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Is Your Start-Up Seeking Funds? 4 Negotiation Tips

Statistics indicate that approximately 29% of startups fail due to cash problems. Unfortunately, startups seeking funds often find negotiations with potential investors challenging. Indeed, negotiation is crucial when securing funding and requires careful planning and execution. If you run a startup or business and need cash, these negotiation tips can be beneficial. 

1. Determine the Closure From the Beginning

Make sure you know your end goals, and decide on what you believe will be a favorable outcome of any deal. Take the time to envision what your end goal will mean for your startup if it were to happen. Once done, ascertain your dealbreaker, distinguishing it from your desired or favorable outcome. Do this before you enter into any negotiation with a potential investor. It will also help if you understand your potential investor’s goals and expectations. This way, you can capitalize on them by presenting your business in a way that appeals to their interests. As a tip, consider how your proposal will benefit them and present it from that angle. 

2. Aim for Understanding 

The last thing you want to do is beat about the bush, making a potential investor lose interest. Instead, be straightforward about what you want to communicate regarding negotiations. Be honest about your expectations, current financial situation, and other benefits you know the partnership will bring. Also, know and communicate what terms are non-negotiable. For example, if a potential investor wants too many rights, be clear about how that will not benefit your business. Agreeing to terms that are not clear in hopes of getting an investor on board can quickly lead to regrets down the road. With your dealbreakers in mind, the next tip becomes very important.

3. Be Willing to Walk Away

While you need the funding, you must also know when to leave a negotiation that isn’t in your best interest. Understandably it’s challenging to raise funds as a startup, but you should be prepared to say no if the terms of the investment are not right. Remember that taking on the wrong investor can be worse than not securing funding. There are several cases of investors taking over a startup and practically buying out the owner or, even worse, destroying the business. When looking for an investor, focus on one whose interests, goals, and values align with yours. An investor who shares your vision for the future will be an important partner for success. 

4. Seek Advice

You can’t always do it on your own. Seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs and financial advisors who understand the intricacies of negotiating with investors. Such experts can provide valuable insights into your negotiation strategy, ensuring you make more informed decisions. They can guide you in presenting your business and structuring the deal. Some financial experts can also help you work on specific documents required to access the funds you need. For example, if your startup is a nonprofit, some financial experts can help you with grant writing for nonprofits.


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